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"Mademoiselle Rouge" :

Character creation from an imposed name. This document is composed of a description and a short story of the character, followed by a scene of introduction. 

"Le renard et la belette" :

This text is a short tale, which is drawn from personal experiences.

Stories to read, stories to live.

Game master from my eleven's year of living, I wrote tons of scenarios, for different types of games and atmosphere : Call of Cthulhu, Dungeons ans Dragons, Mournblade, Eclipse phase, Discworld, Shadows of Esteren, Pavillon Noir etc.




I also write for myself : mainly short stories as well as a paused novel from which the universe of Nocturnae is inspired.



As a translator, I have translated computer instructions for the use of quality assurance in pharmaceutical industry.




You can find some examples of writings below. They are sufficient to illustrate the variety of my writings, but I won't put more of them since it takes time to read, and some are intended to be published.

"La belle au loup" :

Poetic ballad, personal challenge.

"Terre de coeur" :

Realistic theme. The story of an idealistic young man who have embraced the Saami's culture.

"Le Champion de la Mort" :

A dark fantasy short story about Daegan, the last elven king.

Rewriting :

From the "Exercices de style" of Raymond Queneau to a short story of H.P Lovecraaft style.

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